Organizational Resources for Inland Northwest Forest Owners (ID)

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There are many organizational resources for forest landowners in the Inland Pacific Northwest, and I'd like to bring three to your attention here: Idaho Forest Owners Association; Inland Northwest Land Trust; and University of Idaho Extension.

If you are not aware of the Idaho Forest Owners Association, the member organization provides many resources on the organization website. Each year, IFOA co-sponsors the annual forestry owners and managers conference in Moscow, Idaho. I regularly attend and find it a helpful conference to reconnect with fellow forest owners and to continue my education. IFOA is "an alliance of forest landowners dedicated to the management, use and protection of private forest resources in Idaho."

Inland Northwest Land Trust is another valuable organization in the Inland Northwest. As we consider a conservation easement on our family forest land, as part of our intergenerational forest management plan, Inland Northwest Land Trust has been a fantastic resource.

Another excellent resource is University of Idaho Extension Forestry. Professor Chris Schnepf works tirelessly educating forest landowners, forestry professionals, and connecting the two. With grant support, extension educator Schnepf started the Idaho Master Forest Stewards volunteer program, whose members donate their time to assist others with forestry education and needs, including furthering their own education. (I'm a volunteer in that program.)
