The premise of The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature is simple enough, but only a naturalist like David George Haskell could write this beautiful book. Poetic and scientific, The Forest Unseen is extraordinary.
--by Jois Child
"The early leaves surprise me... "
As a woodland owner you are aware of the devastation your trees face from invasives, disease, and unplanned fire, among other threats.In an effort to tackle the most pressing threats to forest health, every state developed a Forest Action Plan.
Knowing wildfire basics can help you identify and address potential risks around your home and property. All fires need three components: fuel, heat and oxygen.
On Wednesday, March 25, the Forest Guild led a workshop for women woodland owners in York County, Maine. The workshop was hosted by the Wells National Estuarine Reserve.
Today, wildfire behavior is changing. While you can’t eliminate wildfire threat, you can increase your home’s chance of survival if a fire does occur.
The premise of The Forest Unseen: A Year’s Watch in Nature is simple enough, but only a naturalist like David George Haskell could write this beautiful book. Poetic and scientific, The Forest Unseen is extraordinary.
--by Jois Child
"The early leaves surprise me... "
As a woodland owner you are aware of the devastation your trees face from invasives, disease, and unplanned fire, among other threats.In an effort to tackle the most pressing threats to forest health, every state developed a Forest Action Plan.
Knowing wildfire basics can help you identify and address potential risks around your home and property. All fires need three components: fuel, heat and oxygen.
On Wednesday, March 25, the Forest Guild led a workshop for women woodland owners in York County, Maine. The workshop was hosted by the Wells National Estuarine Reserve.
Today, wildfire behavior is changing. While you can’t eliminate wildfire threat, you can increase your home’s chance of survival if a fire does occur.